Those planning a trip to Yellowstone National Park only have a few days left if they want to be able to drive their own vehicle up to Old Faithful.

"It is time for us to transition seasons in Yellowstone," said park spokesman Al Nash. "This time next week, the roads to the interior of the park will be closed to auto travel, so they will close next Monday at 8 a.m."

Nash said that there are still opportunities to see all of the sights even though automobiles will be restricted.

"The road from the park's north entrance in Gardiner, Montana through Mammoth Hot Springs, and out to Cook City is always open to wheeled vehicle," Nash said. "If you want to enjoy the other parts of the park, you need to go buy a guided snowmobile or snow coach tour between December 15 and March 15."

Information about winter tours is available on the park's website.

Al Nash:

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