Yesterday, June 17, was the first day that signatures could be gathered for 2016 Montana Citizen’s Initiatives. So far, no one has gotten to the signature gathering stage of the process, but Secretary of State Linda McCulloch says there are a few initiatives moving through the process.

"One restricts the use of traps and snares for animals on any public lands within Montana. That's in the review process by the legislative services right now," McCulloch said. "The second one we have is allowing any school employee with a valid permit to possess and carry a concealed handgun in schools. That also is in legislative services review."

A third citizen’s initiative was placed on Mucclloch’s desk yesterday, which would make all drugs that are illegal on the federal level also illegal at the state level. If any of these initiatives get final approval, they will need a lot of signatures to get on the ballot.

"For a ballot that just changes a lot in the state of Montana, that requires over 24,000 signatures, and that's in 34 legislative districts," McCulloch said. "If its a constitutional amendment, that's if it changes the state constitution, it takes over 48,000 signatures, and that has to be divided into 40 legislative districts."

Signature gatherers have until June 17, 2016 to turn their signatures over to the local county elections offices.

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