The dispute between, Kaci Hickox, the nurse from Maine, and Governor Chris Christie from New Jersey, brings to light inconsistencies in our nation’s plan to prevent infectious diseases. Writing for Reuter’s, Jonathan Allen and Yasmeen Abutaleb point out several differences in several states policies. What’s solid disease prevention in one state is perfectly allowable in another. Despite the state-to-state variance there’s one huge hole in all the plans. The first American death from Ebola happened because Thomas Eric Duncan lied to both Liberian and American officials. When people lie, favoring self-interest at the expense of public health, all the quarantine plans become moot. We mustn’t panic even though there’s no vaccine against Ebola, lying, or Governor Chris Christie becoming the center of yet another national news story. I’m E. Curtis Johnson.  Ebola must be taken seriously, but you probably have a better chance of being eaten for lunch by Governor Christie than you have of contracting Ebola.



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