Under the National Defense Authorization Act of 1990, the federal government has been giving military grade weapons and vehicles to law enforcement agencies. Approximately 460,000 pieces have been handed out. The militarization of police departments was the first Bush’s fault…and Clinton’s, and Dub-Ya’s and Obama’s fault too. Now President Obama is expected to sign an executive order to provide more oversight. Newsweek reports that police departments have lost a significant number of pieces, including 4 Humvee’s! President Obama wants to allocate $75 million to equip police officers with body-worn cameras. Research has proved that police and citizen violent incidents decrease significantly when police officers wear a camera. It will take three years to distribute only 50,000 cameras. No mention of whether police departments must return any of the 460,000 military pieces. I’m E. Curtis Johnson. Apparently, if you like your 460,000 military weapons, you can keep your 460,000 military weapons.



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