Most men brag about the size of the “python, ” but I digress. For a month, Discovery boasted that naturalist, Paul Rosolie, would be “Eaten Alive” by an Anaconda. Viewers waited two hours to “discover” Rosalie only wrestled the reptile. Rosolie said: “I just started to feel the blood drain out of my hand…I felt the bone start to flex…when that got to a point when I felt like it was about to snap, I had to tap out.” For more experience with huge snakes, Rosolie should have cross-trained with more television executives. December 7, 1941: The Japanese Imperial Navy bombed Pearl Harbor. December 7, 2014: Discovery also bombed. Discovery crammed a promotional stunt down our throats, but not a man down a snake’s throat. Discovery’s ratings and credibility were the only things “Eaten Alive.”



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