The State of the Union address is tonight. President Obama is expected to restart stalled legislative efforts, such as, increasing the minimum wage and expanding early childhood education programs. 2013 was a flat year for the President and his job performance poll ratings are still in the negative.

Tonight is an opportunity for change. To give extra excitement to his words, the President should use cheerleaders. Not women like NFL cheerleaders, but White House Press Secretary, Jay Carney. As head sycophant, Carney is experienced in whipping the faithful into frenzy. Give Carney some pompoms and I bet he could produce some sweet dance moves, choreographed to Obama’s vision that Dems would find down right progressive.

To be fair, Speaker Boehner must give the opposing viewpoint as a cheerleader. I’ve written the cheer for him already and it goes like this, “President Obama, he’s our man. If he can’t do it…we’re not surprised!” I’m E. Curtis Johnson. The State of the Union Address is little more than a national pep rah-rah meeting anyway, so why not use cheerleaders?

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