In the wake of President Obama’s declining popularity, Reuter’s reports several Democratic senators are distancing themselves from Obama, don’t want to campaign with him, or assert their independence from his polices. Distancing one’s self from a once popular, now unpopular, President, is the opposite of politics makes strange bedfellows.

These Senators are kicking their political bedfellow out and writing the whole relationship off as, “I was young and dumb and didn’t know what I was doing!” Someday, political scientists may call this action: Taylor Swift Syndrome.

The phenomenon is nothing new. Republican’s distanced them selves from President Bush in the 2008 election.  Several second term presidents from both parties have experienced this rejection. Some bedfellows are rejected for having cold feel.

I’m E. Curtis Johnson. I’ve had cold feet about Obama since 2008. These senators developed cold feet because politics is mostly about doing what’s popular and is seldom about doing what’s right.

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