I’ve survived four Federal Communications Commission inspections in my 38-year broadcast career. An FCC inspection is a colonoscopy: minus the anesthesia and lubrication, but I digress. The FCC is debating Net Neutrality and as usual, is wrong. Texas Senator Ted Cruz has called Net Neutrality the Obamacare of the Internet. Cruz is dead wrong on this subject because Net Neutrality is what we have now. FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler wants weaker Internet rules. Wheeler is wrong. President Obama disagrees with the FCC Commissioner and wants Net Neutrality. On this rare occasion, President Obama has this one right. For my conservative friends, I know the dog whistles of deregulation are blowing, but ignore the instinct to drool this time. On this issue, the FCC stands for Federal Crony Capitalism and Federal Cable Company. I’m E. Curtis Johnson. Conservatives, fight the urge to think the President is saying, “If you like your Internet speed, you can keep your Internet speed,” because he’s not. Don’t let the FCC change a working Internet.


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