I was shocked this week to hear that admitted child rapist William Calvin is a "good candidate for outpatient treatment." I am no psychologist, but I for one believe that there is no rehabilitation for this particular crime.

I am a believer that rehabilitation for self-destructive crimes, like substance abuse, is a valid treatment and a help to society by getting people back on the right path. I firmly do not believe that there is some sort of therapy that would correct to whom a person is sexually attracted, at least not to the extent that I would ever trust them to be set free among society.

I hope that if anyone involved in this man's sentencing is considering this "outpatient treatment" as an alternative to incarceration, they would ask themselves this question: Would I trust this man alone with my child? If the answer is no, then how dare you send him out into the world.

I am sorry for the now-adult woman who had her childhood stolen by this creature. I hope she is able to someday know that this man is behind bars and that she has some peace in knowing she will never have to look upon him again.  I thank her for having the courage to come forward so he was exposed for what he is.  Very few of us will ever be able to understand what she has gone through.

I have a lot of faithful friends who would tell me that this man should be prayed for. That his soul can be saved and he can be forgiven for the evil he has done. That's fine. He can repent, confess his sins, and never hurt another human being again, but he can do all of that while behind bars. If there is a next life, perhaps he has a chance there, but he has ruined his life on this Earth. There should be no second chances for this man, or others guilty of this disgusting crime. The risk to our children is simply not worth this man's freedom.

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