As a teenager, my Dad’s Suburban broke down, stranding myself, and two friends, 15 miles from town. Hitch hiking was the only way home. Two stoned idiots picked us up in a car so dilapidated, asphalt was visible through the rusted floorboards. As we careened down a two-lane mountain highway, frequently crossing into the oncoming lane, I thought we we’re going to die. Speaking of death, Election Day coming up.  Republicans will likely win the Senate majority and retain the leadership in the House of Representatives. As of October 2, according to Rasmussen Reports, only 8% of Americans think Congress is doing a good or excellent job. I’m E. Curtis Johnson. I feel like I’m stuck in the back seat of that car veering down U.S. 2 in 1977. I’ll liken our political system to the car, and our two major parties to the two intoxicated people in the front seat. The car is pulling over on November 4th and two stoned idiots are about to change places.  It’s still a white-knuckle ride regardless of who wins, but at least I’ll have plenty to rant about.


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