A local dog named J.P. wants to be the next Mayor of Billings.  J.P. was recently entered into a nationwide contest called "My Dog for Mayor", which is presented by the digital television channel DogTV.

In the contest, dog lovers from all over America are nominating their pets to run for public office.  According to his owners, J.P. deserves to be the next Mayor of Billings because of his distinguished record of service to the community.  J.P. is a service animal who has helps disabled veterans deal with the effects of PTSD and TBI.

J.P. is only the local participant in the national contest.  If you'd like to support to his candidacy, the voting is underway at https://www.facebook.com/tv4dogs/app_451684954848385.

What does this mean for current Billings Mayor Thomas Hanel?  We're not sure.  The Mayor's office has yet to publicly respond to his latest challenger.  Fortunately for Hanel, he has a couple years left on his current term.



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