January is typically the peak of flu season in Montana, but Montana State Epidemiologist Stacey Anderson says that the number of cases this year are way down.

"This season we have seen lower numbers than we typically do. We have had years in the past when influenza activity has peaked later in the year, closer to spring, but typically it is around January. This year, we really haven't seen that kind of peak in activity that we typically do."

Anderson said that flu has been “sporadic” all flu season, and part of the reason may be due to a change in the flu vaccine.

"Last year was an unusual year because the flu virus that was predominant had changed slightly, so that it wasn't as good of a fit with the vaccine. But this year, the vaccine has been adjusted to match that change."

Despite the low flu numbers so far, Anderson says it is possible that flu could spike anytime in the next few months.

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