Long ago in a galaxy far away there were only two kinds of people: those who “get” Star Wars and those who don’t. I “get it” and am excited by the trailer for, “Episode VII: The Force Awakens.” The age of the original cast was a concern for some critics. Harrison Ford is 72 but does not use an Imperial Walker. “Return of the ‘roids” and “The Depends Strike Back” were NOT working titles. Yoda ended geriatric objections in “Episode V” when he said, “When 900-years-old you reach, look as good you will not!” Star Wars greatest threat may be Disney’s horrible sci-fi record, with films like “John Carter,” that make scruffy nerfherders look good. The “Pirates of the Caribbean” series is an example of Disney overdoing a good thing. Frankly, “I’d just assume kiss a Wookie!” Fear leads to the dark side and to the Disney boardroom. I’m E. Curtis Johnson. Ultimately, the Sith will never triumph over the Jedi. I’m hoping Disney isn’t the true nemesis and won’t do to Luke Skywalker and friends what the Death Star did to Alderaan.



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