Vice-President Dick Cheney, called the Senate report on the CIA “deeply flawed” and “a terrible piece of work.” The Psychologist, who designed the “enhanced interrogation” techniques, called the report, “hooey.” Conversely, Representative Jackie Speier, a Democrat from California, said the CIA should issue a formal apology.  I’m E. Curtis Johnson, independent. It’s comical how both parties love to point out the missteps of their opponent’s leaders, but conveniently forget the offenses of their own stars. If America must say, “we’re sorry,” for torture at Gitmo, President Obama should use his killer drones to personally deliver the apologies! Since torture is immoral and makes our enemies hate us more, we should admit the same about the drones that killed innocent civilians. The finger pointing will continue until Dick Cheney apologizes and President Obama uses a drone to return his Nobel Peace prize. Don’t hold your breath for this to happen. Someone might think you’re being water boarded.



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