Jokes about the French surrendering easily are over. Thousands of Parisians took to the streets to protest the cowardly murders of over a dozen cartoonists, satirists, and police officers protecting them. Crowds chanted and held signs that said, “Not Afraid.” The protests, against an attack on free speech, are the perfect response to terrorists who think they can intimidate through fear.  Everything offends someone. Self-righteously murdering, because a person or group is offended, is the extreme expression of political correctness. Edmond Burke said, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”  The murders have awakened an international response from good people willing to stand up for free speech. Condemnations of the murders, from multiple nations, are the opposite of what the terrorists attempted to achieve. I’m E. Curtis Johnson. As a professional creator of sass, snark, and satire, my response to murderous cowards, who kill over offense at cartoons, is; maybe it’s time for me to go to cartoon school?

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