In an interview with CNN’s Candy Crowley, President George W. Bush referred to President Bill Clinton as his “brother from another mother.” Crowley then asked Bush, “Do you think that your brother could run against your sister-in-law?” Bush replied, “Yea, and I think he’d beat her.” I’m thrilled Bush and Clinton are in a bro-mance. However, please, no more Bushes or Clintons in the White House. If we want political family dynasties, Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge are here on a state visit. Maybe they could clear their calendar after November 2016? I’ll a save Jeb for another rant. Hillary’s qualification for being elected Senator was her husband’s improprieties in a closet with an intern. Losing the Democratic nomination in 2008 was her qualification for becoming Secretary of State. It’s as if her qualification for being President is that she’s famous for being famous. I’d just assume vote for a Kardashian in 2016.



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