Most kids would rather eat lunch ladies hairnets than school cafeteria food. Cafeteria food is an oxymoron! The conservative website, Twitchy, posted Tweets from high school students blaming Michelle Obama for the new lousy school lunch menus. Don’t be confused with kids complaining about the old lousy menus. Give the First Lady an “A” for effort, but an “F” for thinking that kids will do anything other than complain about school menus. It’s their j-o-b!

President Reagan tried to classify ketchup as a vegetable. Republicans changed the new USDA school lunch laws and classified pizza sauce as a vegetable. Which is actually a good strategy for the GOP to become relevant again with younger voters.

I’m E. Curtis Johnson. Telling people what they want to believe is a tactic both parties effectively cram down our throats. Parents believed they could keep their old heath care plan if they liked it. So, why shouldn’t kids believe pizza sauce is a veggie? The irony! The same system that claims it will make us healthy also makes us sick.

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