
Vote For 'Cutest Baby' [FINALS]
Vote For 'Cutest Baby' [FINALS]
Vote For 'Cutest Baby' [FINALS]
It's time to vote for Montana's Cutest Baby. Three babies from each of the most populated towns in the state have been chosen, and now it's time to choose the overall winner. Vote now until Sunday, April 26. You can vote once per every 12 hours and can increase the odds of your favorite baby winning this round by sharing this poll with everyone your friends and family!
Man Sings To His Dying Newborn Son After His Wife Tragically Passed Away
Man Sings To His Dying Newborn Son After His Wife Tragically Passed Away
Man Sings To His Dying Newborn Son After His Wife Tragically Passed Away
This is the saddest and most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Chris Picco's wife Ashley gave birth by emergency C-Section to their son Lennon after just 24 weeks of pregnancy and then she passed away in her sleep. At Loma Linda Medical Center in Southern California Lennon's lack of brain activity and movement had doctors concerned...