I shot my first rifle when I six. My older brother took me to the woods near our home in North Western Montana and we shot cans off a tree stump. I grew up thinking that pistols and rifles were like knives and matches: bad things only happened when people used these tools the wrong way.

A second tragedy at Fort Hood again raises the conjecture that the shooter could have been stopped, and lives save, if everyone had a weapon. Innocent solders and civilians are often killed by friendly fire in battle, because in the literal fog of war, it’s easy to confuse friend with foe.Although, I think it odd that a military base is devoid of the tools of the trade.

My name is E. Curtis Johnson. I don’t need conjecture about what may or may not have happened had the victims at Fort Hood been armed. When it comes to the right to keep and bear arms, you had me at, “2nd Amendment.”

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