If you are a thrill seeker, even a dare-devil, MontanaFair is your must-visit destination of the summer.

To celebrate its 100th anniversary, MontanaFair and The Mighty Thomas Carnival are bringing all-new attractions, including exhilarating thrill rides, games and treats to the midway Aug. 7-15.

For the die-hard thrill-seekers, there will be two "Extreme" riding attractions at the fair this year:

The Speed and the Ejection Seat. The Speed was new in 2012. It is "huge" and "sensational." Pricing on these two attractions is separate from the regular carnival tickets and wristbands.

A brand new family rollercoaster will on the MontanaFair midway this year, according to Ray Massie, sales and marketing director for MontanaFair. The "Wacky Cowboy" will be part of the Mighty Thomas Carnival at MontanaFair. Setting on a footprint of 92 feet wide and 42 feet deep, the track rises to a height of 22 feet. The Wacky Cowboy was manufactured by Fajume in San Salvador, El Salvador.

In addition, the exciting new Cliffhanger amusement ride with spectacular lighting is reintroduced to the Thomas Carnival midway this year. The Cliffhanger is the only ride that lets customers fly through the air like Superman, Massie said.

Thomas Carnival Midway
Photo courtesy of MontanaFair

Other featured attractions on the Thomas Carnival midway this year at the fair include:

Monster Trucks: Wisdom Rides of Colorado built this new children's ride featuring realistic monster trucks with a rear-wheely motion, that appeared for the first time in Billings at the 2015 MontanaFair. Each car has sound effects -- pickup truck engine sounds. And each rider has a steering wheel -- adults may accompany youngsters.

Martian Maze: Adorable Martians are pictured on the scenery of the Martian Maze. Young children climb ladders, cross bridges, slide down slides, and walk through a rotating barrel. Martian Maze is found in the MontanaFair kiddie ride park, a family area with trees and shade and benches and picnic tables.

Frog Hopper: Another popular youth ride introduced in 2012, this one with a hopping motion, made by Utah's S & S Sports. Adults may ride with the youngsters on the Frog Hopper, as well.

Massie also reminds fairgoers that there are only 26 days remain to buy ValuPass for $59 for this year's MontanaFair. ValuPass gives you everyday admission to MontanaFair, plus general admission to all rodeos, night time concerts, and the Supercross event at MontanaFair.








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