I’ve noticed several news stories over the past six weeks where someone told a breastfeeding mother she couldn’t nurse her baby in public. Yahoo reports that a breastfeeding Mom at the national gym chain, L.A. Fitness, was told to feed her baby on a toilet. Does a gym, named after a city famous for fake mammary glands, object to real breasts used for their natural purpose? The mother fought back and staged a breastfeeding protest with 24 moms and hungry babies.

It’s safer to grab a dollar bill from the fingers of a Congressman than tell a mom she can’t breast feed. Step between a bullet and its target before you tell a mother to sit on a toilet and nurse. Fly a Tea Party flag at a moveon.org convention, or wear a Bernie Sanders tee-shirt to an NRA meeting, but don’t tell a Mom she can’t breastfeed where she want to, unless you’re prepared to lose the fight.

My name is E. Curtis Johnson. As the old saying goes, if you’re uncomfortable with a breastfeeding mother you’ve been staring too long.

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