The animosity between Oregonians and Californians is well known. The friction between Idahoans and Montanans is just as real. When Montanan’s go bad you, you get, The Unabomber.

Montanans aren’t proud of Ted Kaczynski, but on the opposite side of “go big or go home,” near Boise, Idaho last week, two teenagers caused a car accident when they ignited the armpit hair of the driver of a car. No one died. Apparently, nature’s attempt to cull the herd was thwarted by seatbelts! In Sand Point, Idaho, 70-miles from my birthplace in Libby, Montana, a 42-year-old woman faces felony malicious injury to property for eating through the upholstery and into the foam padding of the back seat of a sheriff’s car.

My name is E. Curtis Johnson. Here’s another reason Idaho has earned its reputation. Idaho has hundreds of stunningly gorgeous world-class scenic areas. Yet, what is Idaho famous for? Big starchy tubers that grow in the dirt!

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