This is the story of how Senator Bernie Sanders united fire and ice in holy matrimony and everyone lived happily ever after. The Raw Story headline said, “Bernie Sanders wants to unite Tea Party and progressive voters in 2016 White House run.”  Tea Partiers? Progressives? Together? What? Was I reading The Onion? No!

Here’s Sander’s plan. Once he convinces working class Tea Party members that people like the Koch Brothers, control their lives they’ll flock to his candidacy because he represents what ordinary people want.

After convincing Tea Party members that they’re actually progressives, Alec Baldwin will realize he’s in love with Sarah Palin. Hot will become cold. Up will become down. Star Wars fans will go to Star Trek conventions. PETA and The American Cattlemen’s Association will share a meal of tofu and steak, cooked over an old fashioned charcoal BBQ with Al Gore!

I’m E. Curtis Johnson. That Senator Sanders – what a guy!  He’s only thinking about running for President and he’s already uniting America.

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