Philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s ideas helped fuel the French Revolution. He also originated the phrase, “Eat the rich!” The Chronicle of Philanthropy released its annual report of who made the most charitable donations in 2013. Mark Zuckerberg, the president and CEO of Facebook, donated 18 million Facebook shares, valued at more than $970 million. Receiving Facebook stock could be like receiving the hot potato. Stock is only worth as much as you can sell it for.

In the end, no one wants stock that could eventually be worthless. Some investors speculate that Facebook stock could be as worthless as the tech stock of the late 90’s. Zuckerberg should sell his Facebook stock and buy pork belly futures. Most bacon is made from pork bellies. If anarchists and socialists take over, they’ll look for the rich to eat. Having pork bellies, the source of bacon, could save Zuckerberg’s life.

I’m E. Curtis. Undoubtedly, Zuckerberg will ignore my advice - and throw me off Facebook.

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