The guise for government intervention and excessive legislation is often the same tired argument: government is keeping you safe. California’s legislature is attempting to force all cell phone manufacturers to allow cell phones to be rendered useless if stolen. Apple already has such technology.

According to recent crime statistics, one in ten American’s have had their cell phones stolen. Grabbing a cell phone from users hands is the latest theft trend. Severe drought is the latest trend in California. Instead of working on the state’s water problems, its legislature is hell bent on a plan to increase the cost of cell service.

After that, maybe purse manufacturers will be forced to install technology that prevents opening after handbags are snatched or cars that stop in the street after a car jacking? Laws aren’t written to keep us safe. Laws are written to justify the existence and the paychecks of those who write them.

My name is E. Curtis Johnson. I can block unwanted calls on my smart phone. Is there an APP to block unwanted legislation from a not-so-smart legislature?

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