The Corvallis Public School District has a levy request in place for May 3. Superintendent Tim Johnson explains why the levy is being requested and what would be done if the levy is in fact passed.

“Our goal as a public school district is to maintain high quality instruction in classroom,” said Johnson. “Our focus starts to maintain those programs as a priority first and then it moves out from there. We do have a plan for should the levy pass. Improving and reestablishing some of these programs that we found were valuable, the maintenance issues that we have deferred for six or seven years, and making sure we get those projects back on track.”

According to Johnson, the average home owner will see a property tax increase as a result of this levy being passed.

“For the assessed property values of $100,000 it is about $4 a month or $46 a year,” Johnson said. “For a $200,000 assessed property it will be about $8 a month or $93 a year. That’s the impact increase that a tax payer would expect to see if the levy was passed.”

There are a couple of information meetings set up for the public at the Corvallis High School Library at 5 p.m. on April 19 and 26.

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