
Handgun in Washighton Elementary Tuesday
Handgun in Washighton Elementary Tuesday
Handgun in Washighton Elementary Tuesday
Parents could breathe a sigh of relief after it was reported that a third-grade student who brought a handgun to Washington Elementary School Tuesday did not act violently. Superintendent Greg Upham confirmed that the incident on Billings’ West End happened at the end of the school day...
Indian Relay Leaves Billings
Indian Relay Leaves Billings
Indian Relay Leaves Billings
The Horse Nations Indian Relay Council has announced that Billings is no longer the site of the Indian relay circuit championship. The Council ran the event last year under a one-year contract with MetraPark, but decided that it’s moving the show to Washington. In ...
Firefighters Do Billings Proud
Firefighters Do Billings Proud
Firefighters Do Billings Proud
Our hats are off to our friends at Billings' Fire Department and Billings' Airport Fire for a job well done in Seattle. A crew of 13 firefighters between the two departments recently competed for a good cause. They participated in the Scott Firefighter Stairclimb in support of fighting leukemia...
Firefighters Train for Seattle
Firefighters Train for Seattle
Firefighters Train for Seattle
It's that time of year once,  again. The Billings Fire Department and Billings Airport Fire are preparing to fly to Seattle for a great cause. They call it the Scott Firefighter Stairclimb. Billings firefighters, along with many others in Montana and the country will compete in this stair climb to raise money to fight  leukemia and lymphoma...