
A National Disgrace In Ireland
A National Disgrace In Ireland
A National Disgrace In Ireland
The Irish have a hard earned reputation for enjoying a pint or two of bitters. They'll use pretty much any excuse to drink (sounds like Montana). It's Tuesday... "time for a pint!" You get the idea. Their history is long and colorful. The first written record of Irish whiskey dates back to the early 1400's and the first known Irish Pub opened in 1198...
Missoula Drinking Statistics Actually Show Less Recklessness
Missoula Drinking Statistics Actually Show Less Recklessness
Missoula Drinking Statistics Actually Show Less Recklessness
After late night television host David Letterman cited a Center for Disease Control survey listing Missoula as one of the top ten cities for binge drinking, many have been wondering what types of studies have actually been done in Missoula on the matter.