On Thursday, Zachary Newbary appeared in a sentencing hearing in Missoula District Court, however, Judge John Larson rejected the 21 year-old man's negotiated plea agreement.

Deputy Missoula County Attorney Jennifer Clark said Newbary had previously pleaded guilty to aggravated assault and sexual intercourse without consent.

"The judge indicated after hearing testimony that he was going to impose a parole restriction on his sentence, and allowed the defendant some time to consider whether or not he was going to withdraw his plea," Clark said. "The plea agreement called for 20 years in prison with 12 years suspended."

Clark sated the facts in the case.

"On September 27th, 2014, Newbary strangled his victim, kicked and punched her, causing serious injuries, and also had sex without her consent," she said. "He appeared on May 21st and entered guilty pleas to both charges, If he refuses the plea agreement and goes to trial, he could face up to 100 years in prison and a possible fine of $100,000."

Newbary has until November 25 to accept the judge's sentence, or go to trial.

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