
ZooPavilion Open at ZooMontana
ZooPavilion Open at ZooMontana
ZooPavilion Open at ZooMontana
The new ZooPavilion opened yesterday with a ribbon-cutting ceremony at ZooMontana.  Executive Director of ZooMontana Jeff Ewelt said Eggart Engineering and Construction donated 100 percent of the labor.  The Montana Home Builders Association teamed up the developer with ZooMontana, and dozens of community members provided donations to help make the pavilion a reality...
Not in our town
Not in our town
Not in our town
It has been more than two decades since many of Billings` citizens took their national attention-getting stance against hate and discrimination in our community. The "Not In Our Town" event sparked a nationwide movement to encourage other Americans to show their support for diversity, tolerance and acceptance of all different types of cultures...