Brian Williams had a Ron Burgundy moment. The NBC News Anchor, Brian Williams is taking flack for fabricating a story about being shot down in a helicopter in Iraq. Social media is flooded with Photoshopped pictures of Williams in pivotal moments in history. Apparently, we don’t need Williams to falsify news because we have the technology to fabricate events ourselves. Perhaps William’s confused being shot down in a helicopter with being shot down in the TV ratings. TechHive reports that TV ratings are dropping as much as 12.7 percent a year. Some cable networks have dropped 23 percent. Instead of being huddled around the nightly news, American’s are getting news and entertainment from the Internet and from streaming services like Hulu and Netflix. Had Williams embarrassing admission been revealed next year, fewer people would have known. I’m E. Curtis Johnson. The anchorman used to be who kept viewers moored to the TV. The anchorman may have become the symbol of what sinks first into the depths of oblivion.

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